Lumba Lumba Smart from Amazon

AstroDigi | Friday, 19 Aug 2011 | Of the five species of freshwater dolphins in the world, the Amazon River Dolphin pink, or Boto, are the most intelligent. Dolphins are friendly and have a brain capacity 40% greater than humans.

Since a few years ago, this mammal is one of the most endangered species of swimmers among the dolphins in the world. This is due to the destruction and deforestation of the rainforest (rainforest) in the Amazon region where they live.

Social habits they do not like the bottle-nosed dolphins are most common. They have no predators, except for "man", so they do not need to travel in large groups.

It is unclear what causes the unique color of the Boto, but the presence of cells of capillaries on the surface of their skin may contribute to some or most of the color of their birth. Other factors that also determine the age, and also the temperature of the water where they live.

Scientists who have studied botos ancestors, did not find much information even if they find that the ancestors of Boto has entered the Amazon River through the Pacific Ocean about 15 million years ago.

Boto has two different colors. Pink and gray. "Scientists say that the older dolphins they become more and more pink color. Therefore, if you look at the picture with the mother and baby pink dolphins, you may not believe that the baby gray is the son of the pink dolphins.

Dolphins eat crustaceans (such as crabs, and shrimp, etc.) catfish, and other freshwater fish. They are so flexible necks, allowing them to turn his head to 180 degrees backward. It helps them to move more freely in the area of ​​deep water, water meadows, rivers and shallow waters.

They have a distinct hump on their back with bottle nose dolphins that has fins on its back. Has a similar elongated Pinocchio nose, making their appearance is rather unique look.

The biggest threat these beautiful creatures are fishermen with their nets. Fortunately, all dolphins are able to act aggressively, and instinctively know to stay away, so they're not much caught.

As the animal with the highest intelligence they can distinguish between humans that come with a net that threatens the safety to humans that come with friendship.

Although. . like humans, they may not know the hidden malicious intent within the human mind. And sometimes they are also mistaken instinct. These animals are very friendly and welcoming and also a helper to humans. When playing with humans Boto be very careful until the sharp teeth until they are not harmful to humans (see the video).

Unfortunately until now, there is no test that is open and extends related dengankecerdasan dolphins. Although scientists have found that the ratio of brain mass to body weight compared to their difference in a lot of bottle-nosed dolphins.

Their size varies but they generally can reach 2.5 or 3 meters long, weighing about 90 kilograms. Males are generally larger than females, but sometimes you also can find females with a larger size.

River dolphins reach sexual maturity when they reach 2 meters in size. Their mating season is between July and September. Their gestation period is between 9 and 12 months. Dolphins are still a small river called the "calf". This title just like other dolphins around the world.

Amazon Orinoco region, in South America is the only place in the world, where you can find pink dolphins. These creatures are truly in the list of endangered species and we need to preserve them.

Hopefully this article can readers realize the importance of protecting and preserving the flora and fauna. How about you?

Watch Boto friendliness and cheerfulness among humans in the video below:

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What to Look For travelers Motorcycles

When homecoming motorcycles have acted, there are a number of aspects that should never be forgotten. Motor cycling hundreds of kilometers certainly carry higher risks. Let's identify the potential risks that would trigger a road traffic accident.
My knowledge of weak points that we have to recognize early is ourselves as a motorist. Toughest challenge is self-defeating. What are they?

Human Factors:

1. Physical health. Abstinence motorcycles in conditions not fit, let alone being sick. We know, when the body does not fit the concentration will be disturbed. In fact, without it is impossible to drive with good concentration. Because of this, which includes avoided driving after taking medication. No need to force yourself.

2. Emotional stability. Fatigue, dehydration, dust, smoke, heat, congestion, noise up to the vehicle, can trigger stress. These conditions can lead to emotional instability. Damping excessive emotion while maintaining fitness with adequate rest and focus on driving. Ignore if any provocation from the other road users. Pertebal sense of patience. We are looking for survivors until the goal. Not safe to go first.

Next we need to be familiar with the condition of our vehicles. What are the weak points and potential disruption that will arise. It is more easily passed if the motorcycle is used homecoming is a ready-made vehicle handles daily.

Vehicle factors:

1. Service vehicles. There is a good bike serviced before being used the way hundreds of kilometers. Examination of the engine condition is more assured. Attended workshops and ask for the slightest damage repaired. Services performed at least three days before traveling.

2. Recheck ahead of departure. Conditions that must be checked starting fuel oil (BBM), the condition of the wind pressure on the tires, the quality of brake, chains, lights, standard motors, oil condition, rearview mirror, until the spark plug.

3. Completeness letter of the vehicle. Certificate of Vehicle Number (vehicle registration) make sure the conditions are not taken and late tax payments.

Enough already. Wait a minute, trying to prepare in detail other factors. Let us examine one by one.

Other factors:

1. Driving License (SIM). Make sure the SIM is still valid. In situations apes, SIM could die got a ticket. Certainly very troublesome to follow the trial in a city far from where we live.

2. Safety equipment. Make sure the helmet is used to meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and cover the entire face (full face). Use shoe covers the ankle and try not to use straps. In addition, use a fairly thick coat that protects the wind and the brightly colored for easy viewing. Also, wear gloves and to equip themselves with the raincoat.

3. Drugs. Just in case, can equip themselves with drugs of wounds or liniment mengilangkan soreness.

4. Maps and routes. Understanding that the route will be traversed, including possibly also the alternative pathway.

5. Phones. Important numbers related to an emergency call, started to relatives, police stations, to the hospital on the route traversed.

6. Dime. Of Rp 1,000 to Rp 5,000 can be beneficial to pay parking to service the toilet at the pump.

7. Luggage. The heaviness makes pemotor balance could be disrupted. Reflexes and maneuvering power was going less comfortable, especially if you have a sudden stop or avoid a collision. If possible, it helps some of the luggage shipped via courier companies to reduce the burden.

8. Passengers. For safety on the road, passengers and motorists should be no more than two people.

9. Schedule breaks. Determine the break in the regular range maximum of two hours.

10. Choose a place of rest. Rest can be used to fill the fuel, urination, daily prayers, or just sleep 15-30 minutes. Can take advantage of gas stations, restaurants, or post-post which is usually scattered over the flow forth and back.

11. Travel companions. In order to travel more secure, able to bike in groups 5-10. The benefits of travel companions can also reduce boredom while driving.

12. Time travel. Choose the right time, for example, after morning prayers. Travel in the morning is better than at night which is usually attacked drowsiness.

13. Understanding that the existing rules. Road traffic rules is important is understood that the trip, safe, comfortable, and safe.

14. Pray. Get used to always pray for the safety of the Creator.
May the efforts undertaken to make the trip back and forth and more comfortable behind the Lebaran. Congratulations to the city of destination and when returning home. Nothing is more beautiful than seeing a smile on your beloved family home. Happy homecoming.
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Let's Blood Donor Friend

donor darah
Come on comrades blood donors, especially those in Surabaya. Reports that the blood stock in the PMI surabaya thinned very alarming. With very little blood stock is truly alarming especially when blood demand soaring. Existing stock in Surabaya PMI currently more or less:

Blood for complete blood stocks amounted to 81 bags (08/20/2011)

blood group A as much as 4 bags, there are 8 pockets B, AB and O there are 25 bags there are 44 pockets.

Stock For 49 bags of red blood cells (08/20/2011)

blood group A there are 5 pockets, there are 21 bags B, AB blood type and there are 7 bags of blood group O of 16 bags.

For white blood cells there are 165 bags
With a very minimal amount to meet community needs surabaya aja I think is still lacking. Surabaya PMI plays an important role in blood supply to Surabaya and East Java community in general. The more blood stocks are the better because it can be used to help meet the needs of blood in other areas outside of Surabaya and East Java. PMI actually been trying to recruit as many donors as possible. Donor blood can be done at the PMI offices are open 24 hours for blood sampling to provide the donor car traveling in large quantities every day around. Again PMI only facilitate blood donors, while the decision remains in the hands of each of us whether we wanted to donate blood or not.For Blood Donor Awareness
It should be an awareness in society that bag of blood could save the lives of a human person. With a bag of blood taken from the blood of our means we have alms, charity and reward saving. How happy if our blood meant for someone else, how happy if one person is saved because we donated blood voluntarily. We never know the future events, it is not possible relatives or even our own relatives need blood for transfusion. Imagine if the incident happened to us, when we need the stock was not there.

I myself have experienced it when my mother needed blood for an operation that should be done as soon as possible and when it's already 12 o'clock midnight. Blood stock in the PMI does not exist, when there is too it should be taken in other areas of PMI. But luckily that time I had passed the last 3 months of my donor so that my blood allows for the grab. Arrangements in the PMI is also made easier because I am an active donor
Blood Donor? Who's Afraid ...
Many people are afraid to donate. Afraid of needles as big as Gaban, scared later passed out, scared later limp because his blood was taken, and others. Reality on the ground, it is not proven. The process of taking blood is very tight. Of the total HB, Blood Pressure and drugs until the disease last thing we ate were also asked. Do not expect to donate blood if there is one process that does not qualify. This is done with tight as to avoid risks for both donors and recipients. The deadline for donations is also determined, at least 3 months from the date of our last donation.

I, Budiono and Khucluk been rejected for the donor because the time allowed to donate more or less 2 days from the date of the last donors.
Less than the specified date then we are not allowed to donate. The reason is that HB has not met the target blood to donate. If forced to be at risk to the donor. On insertion of needles into the arm with a needle for the contents of a pen it did look painful, in fact nurses in Surabaya PMI should I acungi 4 thumb. They are highly skilled to the point when the needle is inserted, the pain is felt hampir2 not felt. I do not lebay, but this is what I felt during my become active donors in Surabaya PMI. Blood donation is not a painful process.
donor darah
Let's Blood Donor For Humanity

So why be afraid to donate blood? Immediately to the PMI and do not be afraid to ask that we not hal2 pingin tau and tau. No disadvantages when we donate, but the many advantages that we can when it became donors. To be sure we receive is a reward for saving the world hereafter. Blood Donors Come We Start Now.
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Mobile phones can Interfering Reproductive Organs

If you have a habit of putting your mobile in the pocket of his pants, then you should immediately change your habits. Because according to a study, Mletakkan Mobile in the pocket can cause decreased sperm production number that is feared could cause infertility.

According to a report published in the Journal of Andrology, researchers in the United States (U.S.) and around the world have found that electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency (RF-EMR) emitted by mobile phones can lower sperm count and quality.

Although still not conclusive, but researchers focused on several studies of human sperm. Research on human sperm health conducted using healthy volunteers and non-smokers to test the RF-EMR radiation in the laboratory. They are divided into two groups, namely those who regularly carry the phone in front pants pocket and those who do not.
The whole sperm are exposed to RF radiation-EMR showed decreased sperm concentration, motility (ability of sperm to move toward the egg), morphology (size and shape of sperm) and sperm viability. Similarly, subjects who carry their phones in pockets, they generally have a lower sperm concentration.
Dr. Joel Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health from the School of Public Health at the University of California at Berkeley, said that this is a complex issue that needs to be further investigated. For example, currently it is unclear what types of phones or phone service (like GSM or CDMA) that cause worse effects on male reproductive organs. If you do more research, then we will have more reliable results. Consumers can find out and choose which to use (GSM or CDMA), which certainly has a low effect on the disruption of the reproductive organs.
Although it still can not deduce the truth of the effects of RF radiation, EMR, but a revealed fact, if too often keep the phone disaku front in a long time, the phone will generate heat and will damage the quality of sperm in the scrotum (sperm-forming that requires the temperature in average 4 degrees lower than normal body temperature).
Dr. Moskowitz also asserts that the reproductive organs and the head area is part of the body is very sensitive and should be shunned from cell phone radiation. Normally all people when sleeping put the phone near the head or tend to leave their cell phone in front pocket, this is a bad habit and should be changed
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Honeymoon Package Save

Honeymoon package saving. With these tips you can enjoy time together with your partner without having to pay a lot:
Briefly but memorable
No need to spend a long time for a honeymoon. You can still get a memorable honeymoon in a short time, for example, only three days and two nights. By cutting the time this holiday can save you the cost of your honeymoon.

Remember, do not need a vacation to a romantic place for a honeymoon, you too can enjoy these times at home. How diverse, start by setting up a romantic dinner, and other activities.

Avoiding the holiday mass
The holidays automatic ticket prices, lodging, and others will rise. Therefore you should avoid the holidays as days of your honeymoon. In addition to avoiding price increases during the holidays, vacation location was more quiet and the world will feel like you belong together.

Not necessarily after the wedding day
The honeymoon can be done anytime, not mandatory according to the wedding day. After marriage, you can save for a honeymoon, and while saving time, you and your partner can honeymoon at home.

The honeymoon does not have to travel abroad. There are still many beautiful places in this country that you can explore with your partner. In fact you can spend a honeymoon in his own city by visiting sites such as museums and other unique places with your partner, so you will still get a honeymoon package frugal but memorable.
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