
Let's Blood Donor Friend

donor darah
Come on comrades blood donors, especially those in Surabaya. Reports that the blood stock in the PMI surabaya thinned very alarming. With very little blood stock is truly alarming especially when blood demand soaring. Existing stock in Surabaya PMI currently more or less:

Blood for complete blood stocks amounted to 81 bags (08/20/2011)

blood group A as much as 4 bags, there are 8 pockets B, AB and O there are 25 bags there are 44 pockets.

Stock For 49 bags of red blood cells (08/20/2011)

blood group A there are 5 pockets, there are 21 bags B, AB blood type and there are 7 bags of blood group O of 16 bags.

For white blood cells there are 165 bags
With a very minimal amount to meet community needs surabaya aja I think is still lacking. Surabaya PMI plays an important role in blood supply to Surabaya and East Java community in general. The more blood stocks are the better because it can be used to help meet the needs of blood in other areas outside of Surabaya and East Java. PMI actually been trying to recruit as many donors as possible. Donor blood can be done at the PMI offices are open 24 hours for blood sampling to provide the donor car traveling in large quantities every day around. Again PMI only facilitate blood donors, while the decision remains in the hands of each of us whether we wanted to donate blood or not.For Blood Donor Awareness
It should be an awareness in society that bag of blood could save the lives of a human person. With a bag of blood taken from the blood of our means we have alms, charity and reward saving. How happy if our blood meant for someone else, how happy if one person is saved because we donated blood voluntarily. We never know the future events, it is not possible relatives or even our own relatives need blood for transfusion. Imagine if the incident happened to us, when we need the stock was not there.

I myself have experienced it when my mother needed blood for an operation that should be done as soon as possible and when it's already 12 o'clock midnight. Blood stock in the PMI does not exist, when there is too it should be taken in other areas of PMI. But luckily that time I had passed the last 3 months of my donor so that my blood allows for the grab. Arrangements in the PMI is also made easier because I am an active donor
Blood Donor? Who's Afraid ...
Many people are afraid to donate. Afraid of needles as big as Gaban, scared later passed out, scared later limp because his blood was taken, and others. Reality on the ground, it is not proven. The process of taking blood is very tight. Of the total HB, Blood Pressure and drugs until the disease last thing we ate were also asked. Do not expect to donate blood if there is one process that does not qualify. This is done with tight as to avoid risks for both donors and recipients. The deadline for donations is also determined, at least 3 months from the date of our last donation.

I, Budiono and Khucluk been rejected for the donor because the time allowed to donate more or less 2 days from the date of the last donors.
Less than the specified date then we are not allowed to donate. The reason is that HB has not met the target blood to donate. If forced to be at risk to the donor. On insertion of needles into the arm with a needle for the contents of a pen it did look painful, in fact nurses in Surabaya PMI should I acungi 4 thumb. They are highly skilled to the point when the needle is inserted, the pain is felt hampir2 not felt. I do not lebay, but this is what I felt during my become active donors in Surabaya PMI. Blood donation is not a painful process.

donor darah
Let's Blood Donor For Humanity

So why be afraid to donate blood? Immediately to the PMI and do not be afraid to ask that we not hal2 pingin tau and tau. No disadvantages when we donate, but the many advantages that we can when it became donors. To be sure we receive is a reward for saving the world hereafter. Blood Donors Come We Start Now.

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